Maine Gold Mussels in White Wine sauce

Steamed mussels with white wine and garlic is an easy one-pot meal ready in 20 minutes!

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See below for handling instructions for Maine Gold Mussels.


These are live shellfish and need special care until you are ready to prepare them. You will have the best results by keeping them snug, cold and dry.

Follow our Dos and Don’ts, to safely store your mussels on ice or in the refrigerator for 8-10 days:


  • Keep your live mussels cozy in the closed net bag they arrived in until you are ready to prepare them.
  • Regularly drain ice melt if you are storing the mussels in a cooler with ice.
  • Keep mussels damp but not wet if storing in the fridge. For example, you can place the bag in a shallow dish or pan and cover it with a damp towel.


  • Enclose the mussels in a plastic bag or dish – they need air to live.
  • Immerse in fresh water or handle them more than necessary until you are ready to prepare them.


Open the bag, place mussels in a colander, and rinse in cold water.  At this time, any mussels with open shells should close them. If not, these should be discarded. Do not immerse or soak in water.

Rinse the mussels, and remove any “beard” fibers by pulling them toward the shell hinge.

There are many delicious ways to prepare mussels but essentially, they should be steamed lightly for 5-6 minutes. When their shells open, they are ready to eat! Do not eat any mussel with an unopen shell.